2024 Year in Review: A Landmark Year for Warneford Consulting
* Tim models the Christmas version of the legendary Trucker Caps launched at this year’s Education Estates conference!
As 2024 draws to a close, we reflect on what has been a truly exceptional year for Warneford Consulting. From record-breaking achievements to innovative partnerships, this year has solidified our position as leaders in academy funding consultancy.
Record CIF Awards and Appeals Success
In March, we celebrated a company milestone, securing a record number of Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) awards for eligible schools. Our expertise extended to success via the CIF appeal process as well, highlighting the unparalleled skill and dedication of our bid team – the crown jewel of Warneford Consulting.
Expanding SCA Partnerships
This year saw us appointed by an unprecedented number of Diocese and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) to deliver School Condition Allocation (SCA) services. From crafting estate and decarbonisation strategies to managing capital project procurement and delivery, our work continues to drive meaningful impact across the education sector.
RAAC Removal and DfE Negotiations
One standout achievement was being engaged by a client to negotiate with the Department for Education (DfE) for the self-delivery of a RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) removal project. This high-profile appointment underscores our trusted expertise in navigating complex challenges.
Inclusion in the Nepro3 Framework
This year, Warneford Consulting proudly secured a place on the Nepro3 DfE-compliant framework. This recognition provides academy clients with further assurance of our rigorous approach to due diligence in consultancy appointments.
Strengthening Strategic Partnerships
We owe much of our success to the dedication of our supply chain partners. A special thanks to Green Net Zero and their lead, James Smurthwaite, for their invaluable collaboration. Together, we co-developed the Stage 1 Decarbonisation Plan Report, which we piloted with critical friends from the academy sector to widespread acclaim. Now being rolled out across schools nationwide, this initiative exemplifies our ‘fabric first’ commitment to achieving a net-zero future.
Giving Back
In 2024, Warneford Consulting introduced a dedicated focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), reflecting its commitment to giving back. Founder Tim Warneford’s own unconventional educational journey – leaving school early and later returning to university as a mature student – has shaped his passion for supporting second chances. Through annual donations, Tim backs charities helping young people in the UK, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds or refugee communities. His love of football, a sport that unites communities, also inspires contributions to initiatives fostering social cohesion.
Climate Action Leadership
In 2024, we completed our comprehensive company Climate Action Plan with support from industry leaders MyCarbon. We highly recommend MyCarbon to schools preparing their own plans ahead of the 2025 deadline. Our continued collaboration with BCR Associates for energy procurement services further strengthens the integration of sustainable practices within wider estate strategies.
Marketing Excellence
The growing recognition of the Warneford Consulting brand is a testament to the strategic brilliance of Gary Pleece and the team at Bear Creative. Their creativity – exemplified by the ‘Make Academies Great Again’ trucker cap – made waves at the Education Estates Conference in Manchester and sparked countless conversations. Warenford Consulting also launched its new website this year, beautifully crafted by Bear Creative, and from which we are seeing improved engagement and rankings through a strategic keyword and SEO strategy.
Media Engagement and Thought Leadership
Tim’s deep understanding of academy capital funding challenges has made him a sought-after voice in education media. In October, he made appearances on BBC Breakfast, Radio 5, and Radio 4, sharing valuable insights into the sector’s most pressing issues.
‘Developing the Trust’ Podcast Evolution
Our pioneering ‘Developing the Trust’ podcast series reached new heights this year, transitioning from audio to filmed episodes. Looking ahead, we’re thrilled to announce that Stephen Morgan MP will be joining us as a guest in early 2025.
Innovating for the Future
Finally, we are excited to share that Warneford Consulting is developing a groundbreaking software product, set to launch in 2025. This tool aims to redefine standards in estate and decarbonisation planning, cementing our role as innovators in the sector.
As we look back on a remarkable 2024, we extend our deepest gratitude to our clients, partners, and team members who have made these achievements possible. Here’s to an even more impactful 2025!
Merry Christmas.
Tim Warneford, Director, December 2024.