Trust the Immortalis bird to look after your Trust’s Estate…
Warneford Consulting and Immortalis Solutions have combined estate management, procurement, cost and programme management expertise to develop a sector specific academy trust, estate management service.
Designed specifically to help trusts navigate through each stage of the estate management journey, this client tailored service provides trust estate managers with the tools and route map to plan, budget and execute works cost efficiently.
Think of our service as a bird; The Immortalis bird if you will, one that ensures its nests are feathered and insulated (the estate), so that its fledglings (the pupils) are nurtured and kept warm so when they flee the well preserved nests they are in the best possible condition to succeed in life.
Why do I need it?
Trusts must ensure and evidence that their investment in assets prioritises building safety and compliance, targets areas in poor condition, improves energy efficiency, and addresses any health and safety issues.
To target, prioritise and balance fund allocations to these needs, it is imperative to understand how each school space is utilised, the condition of the key components that comprise the space, and how each school compares to the rest of the trust portfolio. This data is often in different formats, stored in different places and therefore non-comparable. Further, adding to the task complexity, there is no standard formula with which to prioritise and evaluate priorities across a trust’s estate.
“The Immortalis flies over its nests to detect damage and decay…”
Addressing these issues, Immortalis is designed to allow central capture and visualisation of asset data across the trust estate and provides an automated algorithm for the prioritisation of works based on estate management best practice. This system, complimented by the tailored consultancy provided through Warneford Consulting, assists trusts to make strategic estate management investment decisions supported by a clear rationale to support governance.
Expanding trusts can use the system as part of their estates due diligence process to evaluate the impact of absorbing a new school into the estate portfolio.
Whether the trust is in receipt of School Condition Allocation (SCA) or is still eligible for Condition Improvement Funding (CIF), effective and simplified asset management is critical. Immortalis provides confidence that budgets and works are aligned so that the trust’s estate remains compliant, fit for the future, and provides staff and pupils with an environment that remains conducive to effective engagement and learning. It provides CIF eligible trusts evidence to substantiate need, priority, and impact, increasing chances of award success.
How does it work?
Understanding the complexity and resource intensity involved in collating, evaluating, and analysing the breadth of asset data sets that make up a trust’s estate, Warneford Consulting, takes clients through a step-by-step journey which is tailored specifically to the trust’s data and asset management maturity as follows.
“The Immortalis gathers the elements it needs to rebuild its nests with accurate detail…”
- Standardise and Centralise data – asset survey data is cleansed, standardised and categorised by ESFA condition priority in Immortalis, providing a centralised view of each school and an overarching view of all schools in the trust.
- Audit data – gaps in the imported data are pinpointed and addressed through targeted condition surveys that when complete, provide the trust with a comprehensive and complete view of each schools’ component condition.
- Identify priorities – Immortalis applies a Red, Amber, Green status to each component based on its’ condition and pre-set priority hierarchy. Algorithms automatically assign a timeframe for renewal or repair of each component based on condition and priority hierarchy, producing a need based, five year planned maintenance schedule.
- Identify costs – Immortalis automates a cost schedule from the planned maintenance schedule, based on the scope of works required. Costs are derived from prevailing market rates, which are monitored and adjusted in line with the market (through regular best value procurement exercises) and CPI to ensure ongoing accuracy.
- Appraise options – the generated capital programme is reviewed with the Trust to allow the accurate sequencing of works to available funding. We add value here by advising on the optimal sequence and batching of works to avoid duplicated preliminary costs and ensure that an optimal price can be secured via targeted procurement. For trusts with a budget deficit, we advise on options to generate inward investment. If eligible we can help you formulate a targeted, needs driven CIF bid strategy.
- Procurement – when the trust is satisfied with their planned maintenance programme, Warneford Consulting can assist by procuring the work packages on the trust’s behalf. Warneford Consulting and Immortalis have an extensive network of pre-vetted, appropriately accredited and quality trusted supply chain partners, covering all planned estate management specialisms, most of whom we have worked with successfully over 10 + years. Options appraisals include return on investment calculations, such as CAPEX v OPEX.
- Project Management – Warneford Consulting can provide a comprehensive project management service to ensure all works procured are executed and delivered with the upmost sensitivity to the schools’ operations and often outside of term time. Our project team brings over 20 years of education specific construction delivery, providing you with confidence that quality works will be delivered on time and within budget.
What’s different about it?
Warneford Consulting’s Trust Estate Management Service has been designed and built specifically for academy trusts with its’ development and testing overseen and endorsed by critical friends who are experts in the fields of trust estate, asset and cost management.
The system is designed to be easy to navigate and utilise, providing visual and easy to interpret analytics that assist the trust with complex investment decisions and help them clearly explain investment options and decisions to school governors.
“The Immortalis retains a skilled, bird’s eye view of its fledglings and newly feathered nests…”
The system is scalable and designed so that new school estate data can be added and integrated into the estate portfolio simply and quickly, allowing the trust to evaluate the impact of absorbing new schools into its’ estate.
Costs generated by the system are kept up to date from continuous market monitoring via open market procurements and actual project costs to ensure ongoing accuracy. The board can be presented with costed project scenarios that they can be confident are accurate and deliverable.
How can I be sure it’ll meet my trust’s needs?
Warneford Consulting pride ourselves on delivering a tailored, quality service, key to which is our ongoing consultation with the trust, to confirm that the service we are providing meets your specific needs, preferences, and expectations.
We commit to assisting you through every step of the journey, tailoring our system as required to meet the trust’s exact and evolving needs.
From decaying infrastructure to net zero, The Immortalis can help to feather and insulate your estate’s treasured nests…